Expert-Led MVP Development for Early-stage Success

Transforming your vision into a viable product with comprehensive expertise and strategic precision in the most cost-efficient way
Technology & Product expertise for critical challenges
  • Formulating Scope
    Fractional CTO or CPO will work with your team to define precise project objectives, deliverables, and timelines, ensuring alignment with your business goals. This structured approach minimizes risks, optimizes resource allocation, and sets the foundation for successful project execution.
  • Market Research and Validation
    Fractional CPOs conduct thorough market analysis, gather consumer insights, and validate product concepts to inform strategic decisions. This data-driven approach reduces risk and increases the likelihood of market success.
  • Technology Stack Selection
    CTO will assess your business needs, scalability requirements, and technical goals to recommend a tailored technology stack and architecture design that ensures efficiency in the initial phase and, performance and scalability in later phases.
  • Confirming Major Assumptions
    Fractional experts will define major assumptions and confirm them using the Proof of Concept (PoC) approach to ensure the success of the going to market product or service offering.
  • Development Oversight
    Fractional CTO will manage the in-house or agency development team, oversee the coding process, and ensure adherence to best practices and quality standards. This hands-on approach guarantees that your project stays on track and meets deadlines.
  • Feedback Integration
    Fractional executives will collect and analyze user feedback during the MVP phase, and iterate on the product to refine and enhance its features and performance. This responsive approach helps you create a user-centric product that continuously improves and delights customers.
Execuro fractional Executives
Recently onboarded fractional CTO & CPO
Fractional Executives advantages
Engage fractional executives for specific durations and scopes, optimizing cost-efficiency and aligning resources to your needs
Tap into experienced C-suite, VP, and director-level executives for strategic guidance
Benefit from diverse backgrounds and expertise to foster innovation, challenge conventional thinking, and drive business growth
How we work
Define Objectives
We support an organization to formulate a Status Quo and challenges that must be addressed throughout the engagement using Execuro Value-Based Framework. We define the best suitable Fractional Executive profiles and provide you with options and an argumentation memo. We thoroughly follow Execuro's strict security and data protection measures and provide transparent data on suggested profiles.
Match Executives
Get access to top suitable executive candidates for your business objectives. Choose your best match and start your engagement.
Receive Outcomes
The designed strategy is provided as a set of standard artifacts (roadmap, KPI, SWOT, etc). Our executives also provide onboarding to an organization's executives and directors, ensuring a smooth inheritance of the main ideas.
Contact Us

Execuro Ltd
71-75 Shelton Street,
Covent Garden, London,

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